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VOL 16 (JULY 2024)

We all deserve a break. A chance to unwind, explore new destinations, and recharge. But cybercriminals don’t take vacations! They often see travel seasons as prime opportunities to target unsuspecting victims

Here are some essential cybersecurity measures you can take to ensure a relaxing and hack-free vacation:

VOL 15 (June2024)

Imagine this: you’re in the middle of a crucial presentation, and your entire computer system crashes. Data vanishes, deadlines loom, and panic creeps in. Now imagine a calm, capable IT expert swooping in to save the day.

This scenario, while dramatic, highlights the vital role IT professionals play in modern businesses. In today’s digital age, technology is no longer a sideline; it’s the backbone of most operations. From cybersecurity to data management, a strong IT team ensures your business runs smoothly, efficiently, and securely.

VOL 14 (MAY 2024)

Hi everyone, we’re excited to announce a new format for the Tech Chronicle! From now on, we’ll use “Smart Brevity” to deliver the need-to-know tech news and security updates.

While the newsletter is shorter, we promise it is every bit as researched and detailed “behind the scenes” so you get accurate information coupled with actionable advice. Please send us your feedback. We hope you love this new format and the time it saves you, our valued reader.

VOL 13 (April 2024)

Emails are surprisingly insecure, often filled with personal details or business secrets. Encryption acts like a padlock, scrambling the message and making it unreadable to anyone except the intended recipient. This ensures your sensitive information stays confidential and prevents outsiders from accessing or altering your emails.

Email encryption is your solution. It scrambles your email’s content, making it unreadable to anyone except the intended recipient. Like a fancy code, only they can crack.

VOL 12 ( MARCH 2024)

Hi everyone, we’re excited to announce a new format for the Tech Chronicle! From now on, we’ll use “Smart Brevity” to deliver the need-to-know tech news and security updates.

While the newsletter is shorter, we promise it is every bit as researched and detailed “behind the scenes” so you get accurate information coupled with actionable advice. Please send us your feedback. We hope you love this new format and the time it saves you, our valued reader.

VOL 11 (February 2024)

In today’s digital age, email has become a crucial channel for communication. Whether for personal or professional purposes, the importance of email senders cannot be understated.

First and foremost, the sender of an email establishes credibility and trust. In a world where online scams and phishing attempts are prevalent, recipients are cautious about opening emails from unknown senders. When you consistently send emails from a recognized and trusted address, recipients are likelier to open your emails and engage with your content.

VOL 10 ( January 2024)

If you’re hoping to cut costs and boost profitability in 2024 without compromising productivity or efficiency, assessing the technology you use in day-to-day operations is one of the first areas in your business to examine.

We’ve created a road map that you can use to go step-by-step through your organization to determine if and where you can save money or utilize new or better technology to improve operational efficiency

VOL 9 (December 2023)

In today’s hyper-connected world, cybersecurity is a critical concern for individuals and organizations alike. However, as the digital landscape evolves, so do the myths and misconceptions surrounding cybersecurity. If you want to be protected, you have to understand the real threats and how you could unknowingly overlook them every day. This article will debunk five common cybersecurity myths to help you stay informed and protected as you take your business into 2024.

VOL 8 (November 2023)

When it comes to convenience, debit cards have undoubtedly revolutionized the way we handle our finances. Unlike cash, debit cards allow you to make purchases of any size as long as you have sufficient funds. This flexibility makes them ideal for small everyday transactions and larger purchases.

Now, let’s talk about holiday shopping. We all know how hectic it can be, with countless stores to visit and lengthy queues at the checkout counters. But with a debit card in hand, you can bid farewell to those inconveniences.

VOL 7 (October 2023)

In an age where technology plays an integral role in our personal and professional lives, the importance of cyber insurance cannot be overstated. With cyber threats becoming increasingly sophisticated and prevalent, businesses of all sizes risk falling victim to costly data breaches or cyber-attacks. The financial consequences can be devastating, ranging from regulatory fines to legal fees, customer notifications, loss of intellectual property, reputational damage, and even business interruption.

VOL 6 (September 2023)

Welcome to Centrend’s first issue of our email newsletter! We are glad to share with you the hottest and trendiest tech news, tips updates and many more. Get a chance to be featured as well on our monthly partner spotlight. Happy April Fool’s Month! I’ve decided that we need to have an entire month now, given the growing stupidity of the average American customer. Here’s a Twitter exchange between an angry customer of Domino’s Pizza and Domino’s social media team…

VOL 5.0 (August 2023)

In an age where technology plays an integral role in our
personal and professional lives, the importance of cyber
insurance cannot be overstated. With cyber threats becoming
increasingly sophisticated and prevalent, businesses of all sizes
risk falling victim to costly data breaches or cyber-attacks. The
financial consequences can be devastating, ranging from
regulatory fines to legal fees, customer notifications, loss of
intellectual property, reputational damage, and even business

VOL 4.0 ( July 2023)

As time passes, scammers become increasingly sophisticated in their tactics and approaches. With technological advancements and the internet, scammers have gained access to new tools and techniques that make it easier to deceive unsuspecting individuals. One of the key reasons behind this sophistication is the ability of scammers to adapt and evolve their strategies. They continuously study and analyze their targets, identifying weaknesses and…

VOL 3.0 ( June 2023)

Choosing the right service provider can be a daunting task. But one of the key factors to consider when making this decision is how far away should your service provider be from you. Distance can be an important factor when selecting a service provider as it may affect the speed and quality of services provided. As a business owner, you always aim to have a quality service provider readily available and close enough to attend to your IT-related needs in just a matter of a few hours whenever needed…

VOL 2.0 (May 2023)

As I’m sure you’ve heard, FTX, a cryptocurrency exchange that was the third-largest in the world by volume and was once valued at $32 billion, went bankrupt in an instant, causing millions of their investors to lose everything in a matter of days. In a hearing, the new, court appointed CEO, John Ray, said the company’s collapse was the result of “complete failure of corporate control.” A case of “old-fashioned embezzlement” where investors are highly unlikely to get their money back….

(VOL 1. April 2023)

Welcome to Centrend’s first issue of our email newsletter! We are glad to share with you the hottest and trendiest tech news, tips updates and many more. Get a chance to be featured as well on our monthly partner spotlight. Happy April Fool’s Month! I’ve decided that we need to have an entire month now, given the growing stupidity of the average American customer. Here’s a Twitter exchange between an angry customer of Domino’s Pizza and Domino’s social media team…
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