
On Demand Support

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Expert IT Computer Support On Demand

If you’re not ready for an all-inclusive, Managed IT Support plan, our on-demand IT services will help get you back up and running quickly when you have a problem. Our on-demand services coupled with some basic regular preventative maintenance (PM) visits can help you minimize your investment in monthly IT spending while applying some preventative maintenance techniques to your overall strategy.

We offer discount plans for Non-profit customers and customers that choose to buy blocks of hours in advance.

Here’s an example of some of the things we help customers with on an as-needed basis.

Our Assistance


Gets your computers and network running well again.


Move users on old computers to new hardware and watch their productivity soar!


Upgrade firewalls/routers and key infrastructure to keep up with security and reliability.


Upgrade aging servers to avoid costly downtime.

  Security and system reliability assessments

Ensure systems are secure, reliable and up to date with much-needed patches.

  Virtual CIO services

Provides C-level strategic guidance and align business objectives with technology investments.
Please contact us and let’s start working together!


On Demand Support is a service provided by IT companies that offers assistance with computer and network issues on an as-needed basis. It allows companies to have access to expert IT help when needed without committing to a long-term, all-inclusive plan. This can help minimize investment in monthly IT spending while also applying preventative maintenance techniques.

On-demand support can help your business by providing expert assistance when you encounter technology problems or need to upgrade your systems. This can minimize downtime and increase productivity.

Our team is equipped to assist with a variety of IT needs, including system overhauls, computer refreshes, networking support, server replacements, security assessments, and virtual CIO services. We also provide regular preventative maintenance visits to help minimize the risk of future technical issues.

Centrend offers a range of on-demand IT support services, including system overhauls, computer refresh, networking support, server replacements, security and system reliability assessments. Our team of experts can provide strategic guidance and technical assistance to help your business stay secure and competitive.

To get started with our on-demand IT support services, simply contact us and let us know your needs. Our team will work with you to understand your business and provide the necessary assistance to get your computers and network running smoothly. We aim to provide efficient and effective solutions to keep your business running smoothly.

On Demand Free Consultation Form

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