
Why Choose Us?

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5 Big Reasons to Choose Centrend to Support Your Computer Network

We Respond to Emergencies Within 5 Minutes Or Less.

The average time it takes for one of our clients to get on the phone with a technician who can start resolving their problem is 3.5 minutes. We know you are busy and want to get problems resolved quickly. With our remote support tools, you don’t even have to wait for a technician to arrive.

No Nerd-Words.

You deserve answers to your questions in PLAIN ENGLISH, not in confusing technical terms. Our job is to know the technical jargon, your job is to work on your business.

100% No-Small-Print Satisfaction Guarantee.

If you are unhappy with our work, we’ll do whatever it takes to make it right to YOUR standards without charging you for it. And if we can’t make it right, the service is free.

We Won't Hold You Hostage.

Many IT companies do NOT provide their clients with simple, easy-to-understand documentation outlining key network resources, passwords, licenses, etc. This is both unethical and unprofessional. As our client, you will receive full, written documentation of your network and all resources in terms YOU can understand.

Peace of Mind.

We monitor our clients’ networks 24/7/365, so you never have to worry that a virus has spread, a hacker has gained access, or a backup failed to perform. We monitor your network and your computers, so you don’t have wonder if they will be working when you get to the office.

Does this seem helpful and relevant to you? In a quick 15-minute call, we can discover how we can help you. Call us at 774-241-8600 or click here to schedule a call.

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