Re-Think Information Technology
Problems Go Away and Cost Decreases
Get out of the IT business, lower your total cost of ownership, and eliminate all future CapEx spending. Gone are the days spent worrying about security and cyber threats. All of your physical data resides in the highest rated SSAE18 redundant data centers. System performance will no longer be an issue because your “cloud” computers run a persistent windows session and sit right next to servers being fed by gigabit internet circuits. We solve your pain and save you 10-15% on your total IT costs. We will build out brand-new infrastructure and migrate you as quickly as 45 days.

CompleteCloud brings rationality back into IT and Delivers True IT Economic Predictability. We service over 10,000 end users, in highly regulated industries such as DoD contractors, Aerospace manufactures, Financial Services, and the nation’s largest independent network of health care providers. Best of all, we are the most secure private infrastructure in the USA.
Sample Case Studies
Fixed Price, Managed Technology in the Cloud
- File Servers
- Line of Business Application Servers
- SQL Servers
- Exchange Server
- Fully Managed Backup and Disaster Recovery
- Firewalls and Routers as needed
- Internet Service for your site
- Wireless Access Points as needed
- 24" Monitor Thin client with Keyboard and Mouse
- 64Bit Windows 10 Desktop experience
- High-End CAD workstations as needed
- Unlimited Data Storage
- Microsoft Desktop and Server Licensing
- Anti-Virus/Malware and Anti-Spam
- 24/7 Support
- Optional VoIP for phone
Work Anywhere, Anytime and on Any Platform
Whether you are in the office at your desk working on an intense project or outside checking email quickly before dining al fresco, you will always be connected to your data from wherever and on whatever you want to. Powerful thin client workstation? Tablet? Smartphone? All of the above! Whatever the device, you can form a secure connection to your private cloud space from anywhere on the planet that has an internet connection.
Learn more or request a demo by filling out the form below.